FAIR by Design services

Design your own scalable research data management solution

Scientists in pharma and life science research are collecting large amounts of data. However, this data is often managed and stored in such a way that it does not support open science and open collaboration. To make data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable, the FAIR principles have been introduced.

With our ‘FAIR by Design’ service, The Hyve’s experts can help you implement these principles by building and/or customizing your data management infrastructure or systems and making both existing and newly collected research data FAIR.

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Challenges that can be solved with FAIR by Design solutions

Data sharing and collaboration

Users cannot access data easily because it is stored in different data systems which makes it difficult to share data with research groups, teams, or hubs.

Data organization

Data is difficult to find for users because it is disconnected and metadata is missing. Users are unable to search for related data in their studies, collections, projects, and datasets.

Data analysis enablement

It is not a straightforward process to query and retrieve the data. Data analysis scripts and dashboards are difficult to create and reuse.

Data standards and interoperability

Data does not integrate easily and it is impossible to reuse existing data.

Business Analysis and Solution Design

When it comes to software design projects, a business analysis and solution design project is a mandatory first step to enable organizations to make decisions on the best software/infrastructure solutions.

Depending on each organization's use case, the business analysis and solution design approach can be adapted and aligned to that client’s journey, needs and desired outcome.

Benefits of business analysis and solution design

  • Provides realistic requirements linked to the business
  • Detailed & timely documentation (i.e. Requirements prioritization, Solution architect, project plan implementation)
  • Saves valuable time and resources in gathering requirements in-house
  • Engaging on a smaller scale project before implementation
Sy Nergy approach process

Software Development and Implementation


After business analysis and solution design are completed, The Hyve can also support the development of the solution - at the organization’s request. We like to work with Agile methodology, which entails managing a project by breaking it up into several short phases called sprints.

This phase requires constant collaboration with the stakeholders and continuous improvement at every stage. We usually create and show a demo of the solution for every sprint. This helps to refine the solution and determine which tasks to prioritize. Once the work begins, our teams cycle through a process of planning, executing, and evaluating. Also, technical documentation is an important part of the delivery process.

Use cases

Business analysis and software design for German SyNergy Research Cluster

SyNergy, the "Munich Cluster for Systems Neurology", is a collaboration between Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich (LMU), Technical University of Munich (TUM), Helmholtz Munich, DZNE Munich and the Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, approached The Hyve to help them design a research data management platform in order to foster close collaboration between the SyNergy members across the boundaries of the traditional medical fields of neurodegenerative, inflammatory and vascular diseases.

The Hyve investigated the state of data management within the cluster, combined and analyzed the data management information collected and proposed a direction for a solution on how to best make the data from all participating research institutions findable.

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Fairspace configuration for Sy Nergy

Use cases

The Hyve created a FAIR By Design solution for Institut Curie

Institut Curie, a cancer research hospital in Paris, approached The Hyve because they wanted to provide a collaborative environment and secure data catalog for their researchers. To achieve this, they needed an infrastructure supporting data sharing, which would enable maximum use and reuse of data under secure and controlled conditions.

The Hyve developed Fairspace as our FAIR by Design solution. The research data management platform combines services and software tools aimed at making research data manageable while complying with the FAIR data principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable). Fairspace can integrate with other storages via WebDAV protocol and provides an analysis environment using Jupyter Hub. The Hyve also created an environment for end-users to connect their existing data files and annotate them with metadata.

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Curie context diagram

Let's start collaborating!

The Hyve provides software engineering services to build or customize open-source tools and enable integrations with existing data sources in order to support knowledge creation and collaboration. Besides the Fairspace platform we developed, we have ample experience in integrating other Research Data Management tools such as Gen3, iRODs and COLID to tailor to the needs of our clients on a case-by-case basis. Let us help you design your own scalable research data management solution!

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